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2AED5914 |
Wonder if we've become more like Ethel... |
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2 |
FFAFA005 |
What's that about Ethel? |
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3 |
EC0D258A |
I mean, like, we saved Kyrie from
the hands of the enemy earlier, yeah? |
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4 |
A0EA45C4 |
That's kinda like when Ethel
saved *us*, way back when... |
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5 |
173445AA |
Huh... Yeah, she did do that.
Haven't thought about it in a while. |
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2A2028DE |
And this time, we were the rescuers...
That's kind of emotional to think about. |
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7 |
9CEDB809 |
Oh, but remember, she took on a
Levnis that day all by her own sparking
self! And that was in her third term! |
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8 |
1A686849 |
Uh... Yeah, she did do that.
I guess if it were easy to be Ethel,
everyone'd be doing it. |
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9 |
340D9304 |
I'd heard rumors, but it seems they
were, if anything, vastly understated.
What a formidable warrior...! |
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10 |
1748EE37 |
Wow, thinking about trying to match Ethel
makes me feel *less* confident than ever... |
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11 |
A3A7F2B9 |
We can still work hard to become
someone that someone else might want
to emulate, how about that? |
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