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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 00FC5CCE Riku, I've been thinking. The Nopon Caravans, they move around on Levnises, correct? No audio available
2 91A12691 Correct. What of? No audio available
3 23DF96E8 I just realized, regular Levnises cannot normally operate too far from their home colony, due to ether cylinder limitations. No audio available
4 BF5815DA So how is it that the caravans get around everywhere? No audio available
5 9C94FA7D Reason is simple. Caravan Levnises small and lightweight. No audio available
6 E56D4EB6 Also, not loaded up with weaponry, and fundamentally not expected to fight. That why ether consumption much lower. No audio available
7 2F9EFFB0 I see... Yes, that makes sense. That explains how they're able to operate over long distances. No audio available
8 A7698D7D In other words, very green energy. No audio available
9 3E0BEC57 ...Huh? How can energy be inexperienced? No audio available
10 6EEA4411 ...It just mean power consumption is low. No audio available
11 BF018333 Understood. Thank you for explaining, Riku. It's been a good learning experience. No audio available