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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 549397FB I did always wonder why Keves Castle was in a place with that much black fog... No audio available
2 9FE22EEB Guess it's so that they can use the Annihilator, huh? No audio available
3 A2DB3532 Of course, that's likely part of it... No audio available
4 B0B2F8A3 But if they have a way to convert the fog into energy, then the uses for it need not remain limited to the Annihilator. No audio available
5 22F4D32B If I stop to think about it, the tech there is kinda amazing. It could seriously turn the world on its head, innit. No audio available
6 E1EB8534 I'm sure the Moebius have it sequestered away precisely to avoid that outcome. No audio available
7 932533C1 ...And then we went and wrecked it. No audio available
8 998222D0 Until now, we've always been the ones being chased. No audio available
9 647144EB I think it was a good chance to show that we can and will strike back at them. No audio available
10 8E5FC561 Next time let's go even bigger! No audio available
11 EB9BC845 Yeah! We'll show 'em what us Ouroboros boys and girls are made of! No audio available
12 D1D91C38 Come on... I get that you're excited, but please try to remember what it is we're actually trying to achieve, hm? No audio available