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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 9463AFF2 What a peaceful and relaxing place... No audio available
2 92DAB587 With the Saffronias everywhere, and the self-sufficient lifestyle... It's really not a bad place to be. No audio available
3 8F21E120 It felt like time flowed slower there... No audio available
4 507E92CF Or rather, life in the world outside - in *our* world - is full of bustle and busyness, perhaps. No audio available
5 F75D529A Well, duh, there's a war on out here. Every day's different from the last. No audio available
6 4290CBCC Friends work too hard. When divide time well, no need for busyness. No audio available
7 3E352914 Have to find ways to accommodate deep rest and recreation of self. No audio available
8 D144A5BC Whoa, Riku here dropping some serious wisdom. No audio available
9 AAD9425B Deep rest sounds nice and all, but where are we s'posed to find the time to do that in...? No audio available
10 29896B21 When feeling most busy, is when most important to carve out peaceful time. Life not worth living if always hurrying. No audio available
11 1C88A731 Wow, that's a painfully insightful remark... No audio available
12 445407A1 Maybe the least we can do is make sure to take our rest when and where we can afford it. No audio available
13 D1454E47 That very advisable. As first step, please to try napping for three days straight. No audio available
14 7CD33EB3 You can't be serious, mate... What are we, Nopon? No audio available
15 52D016E1 Friend Lanz such close-minded... Then here is alternative: do some strength conditioning or something. No audio available
16 AC6DB30E Now that's more like it! No audio available
17 A811EF37 No it sparkin' isn't! No audio available