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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 3970643E OK, OK, let's lay it out once and for all... House Ortiz works together with Monica's family, the Vandhams... No audio available
2 4731602A And opposed to them are the Doyles, people call them the "conservatives". No audio available
3 2602BEA9 And keeping the middle ground between them is House...Rhodes? Is that right? No audio available
4 A5E64765 Man, City politics are confusing as all get-out... No audio available
5 2E994FA0 And why're they opposing each other in the first place? They're all City people, ain't they? No audio available
6 F584B444 The more people in a community, the more opportunity for ideological divides. I think this is one of those. No audio available
7 9667FC57 Though they share a common goal, they disagree on the best way to achieve it. ...I have some experience with that. No audio available
8 C7E73A15 There's bound to be some story behind the story, one that we don't know. It's always something like that... No audio available
9 D0B25514 Indeed. We should tread carefully whenever we have to deal with them. No audio available
10 704E946B That does seem prudent. If we misstep, we might become embroiled in the conflict as well. No audio available
11 484C35E9 I still hope one day everyone can work together as one... Is that naive...? No audio available