
No description

Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq010903_msg0001 OK, here's what I've managed to find. No audio available
2 nq010903_msg0002 One more push and that should be it. No audio available
3 nq010903_msg0003 Whoa, we've picked up loads! No audio available
4 nq010903_msg0004 Mwamba lent us a hand. No audio available
5 nq010903_msg0005 Haha, he's a born salvager. No audio available
6 nq010903_msg0006 He's still Mwamba, memories or not. No audio available
7 nq010903_msg0101 Mwamba would have done a way better job though. No audio available
8 nq010903_msg0102 Hahaha, probably! No audio available
9 nq010903_msg0007 I found the place where he was killed. Just by total chance. No audio available
10 nq010903_msg0008 There was equipment left behind, scattered all over the place. It's still...hard to remember. No audio available
11 nq010903_msg0009 The truth is, when I crashed the Levnis I was distracted. Thinking about him. No audio available
12 nq010903_msg0010 ...So I was really surprised to see him! No audio available
13 nq010903_msg0011 Oh, Eilis... No audio available
14 nq010903_msg0012 He's doing OK, right? No audio available
15 nq010903_msg0013 That's what he said. No audio available
16 nq010903_msg0014 Then that's good. I'm glad. No audio available