
No description

Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq110906_msg0001 Well, where are Dorin and Bambam? No audio available
2 nq110906_msg0002 Queen's crispy fillets! No audio available
3 nq110906_msg0003 Here we gooo! No audio available
4 nq110906_msg0004 Bambam is freeeee!!! No audio available
5 nq110906_msg0005 ...What. No audio available
6 nq110906_msg0006 HEY, GET BACK HERE!!! No audio available
7 nq110906_msg0007 Dinzel, what's-?! No audio available
8 nq110906_msg0008 Those delinquent lugheads! Just when I thought they'd come crawling back, they jump in a Levnis and fly off! No audio available
9 nq110906_msg0009 What, now they've both gone...? No audio available
10 nq110906_msg0010 I'm lost. Somebody take me home... No audio available
11 nq110906_msg0011 What now? Are you going to haul them back? No audio available
12 nq110906_msg0012 Those pampered, ungrateful brats? Ha! If they're so set on dying in the wilderness, they have my blessing! No audio available
13 nq110906_msg0013 I don't think they're going to die in the wilderness or anything, but it's hard not to be concerned... No audio available
14 nq110906_msg0014 It's not safe out there. Let's see if we can convince them to come back. No audio available