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Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq130201_msg0001 ...So it's going to take some time till it arrives. No audio available
2 nq130201_msg0002 I thought it might. We'll just have to stretch the shortfall out through rationing. No audio available
3 nq130201_msg0003 So, that- No audio available
4 nq130201_msg0004 If you're low on supplies we can help. No audio available
5 nq130201_msg0005 If we all work together, we'll get it done in no time! No audio available
6 nq130201_msg0006 All of you... No audio available
7 nq130201_msg0101 They're concerned that we've grown too accustomed to throwing supplies around. No audio available
8 nq130201_msg0102 This friendly young man wants to do anything he can to help. No audio available
9 nq130201_msg0103 Don't misrepresent me. I just want to improve the efficiency of- No audio available
10 nq130201_msg0104 Once you saw improvement was needed, you wanted to help. Yes? No audio available
11 nq130201_msg0105 I...well. I suppose, but... No audio available
12 nq130201_msg0106 Then we agree. No audio available
13 nq130201_msg0107 Such a kind person. I can tell you're the sort of person who takes on a lot. Always shouldering the burdens of others. No audio available
14 nq130201_msg0108 ...Please stop. No audio available
15 nq130201_msg0109 This is something you're already prepared for, though, isn't it? Could you bring us up to speed on the situation? No audio available
16 nq130201_msg0110 OK, I get what's going on. No audio available
17 nq130201_msg0201 We talked to Alexandria about it, and she told us to ask you. No audio available
18 nq130201_msg0202 This is something you're already prepared for, though, isn't it? Could you bring us up to speed on the situation? No audio available
19 nq130201_msg0203 OK, I get what's going on. No audio available
20 nq130201_msg0301 As you've seen, we're sending out the best of the best from mine and Rhyza's squads. No audio available
21 nq130201_msg0302 And if they come back, they're expected to bring in a good haul. In fact, I'm projecting we'll be up to 70% capacity. No audio available
22 nq130201_msg0303 70%?! Not bad! No audio available
23 nq130201_msg0304 You said "if" they come back. No audio available
24 nq130201_msg0305 So all of these big plans are really just optimism, aren't they? No audio available
25 nq130201_msg0306 Ha, very perceptive. No audio available
26 nq130201_msg0307 Two of the units sent on the mission have got a bit stuck. No audio available
27 nq130201_msg0308 They seem to have encountered a colony of Scorpoxes. No audio available
28 nq130201_msg0309 Scorpoxes? You think they're migrating? No audio available
29 nq130201_msg0310 Given our info on their numbers and range, I'd say you're right. No audio available
30 nq130201_msg0311 A suboptimal situation. No audio available
31 nq130201_msg0312 Can someone explain this migration thing? No audio available
32 nq130201_msg0313 The monsters go on a big journey. No audio available
33 nq130201_msg0314 If the monster population increases for whatever reason, then they'll go roaming in search of new feeding grounds. No audio available
34 nq130201_msg0315 And if you bump into them, they'll be on you like that. No audio available
35 nq130201_msg0316 They're all so starving that to them you're just a big walking meatball. No audio available
36 nq130201_msg0317 ...Hurk... No audio available
37 nq130201_msg0318 Let me guess - the units that were attacked were carrying... No audio available
38 nq130201_msg0319 Food. Yep. The smell must have attracted them. No audio available
39 nq130201_msg0320 How can you be so calm about this? If you don't get help to them soon- No audio available
40 nq130201_msg0321 No plan ever survives contact with the enemy. No audio available
41 nq130201_msg0322 So I want them to get themselves out of this. No audio available
42 nq130201_msg0323 This experience will be valuable for them as individuals. No audio available
43 nq130201_msg0324 You're of the opinion that too much help will rob them of their capacity for personal growth? No audio available
44 nq130201_msg0325 I am. No audio available
45 nq130201_msg0326 Well, it would still be worthwhile to keep an eye on the situation without helping too much, wouldn't it? No audio available
46 nq130201_msg0327 If you weren't even a little worried, you wouldn't have told us what was going on. No audio available
47 nq130201_msg0328 ...Well, I don't know how to answer that. No audio available
48 nq130201_msg0329 I think I understand. No audio available
49 nq130201_msg0330 I know how you feel, and what you want your legacy to be. No audio available
50 nq130201_msg0331 ... No audio available
51 nq130201_msg0332 Cozalie's unit is stuck in Dannagh Desert, and Thorbin's is in Ribbi Flats. No audio available
52 nq130201_msg0333 They'll be pretty laden down, so you'll know them when you see them. No audio available
53 nq130201_msg0334 OK. We'll check on them without coddling them. No audio available
54 nq130201_msg0335 And we'll keep everyone safe! And the supplies too! No audio available
55 nq130201_msg0336 You're doing me a huge favor. No audio available