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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq210200s_msg0001 So, Lambda's off-seer Shijima has apparently gone missing... No audio available
2 nq210200s_msg0002 It's a bit worrying, isn't it? No audio available
3 nq210200s_msg0003 Agnus off-seers often work in pairs, right? No audio available
4 nq210200s_msg0004 Yes, I think most Agnian colonies make use of similar arrangements. No audio available
5 nq210200s_msg0005 Are both of them missing, then? No audio available
6 nq210200s_msg0006 All we've heard is that the one named Shijima has headed into the tunnels. No audio available
7 nq210200s_msg0007 By now, he might have come out at the Rae-Bel Tableland in the Fornis region. No audio available
8 nq210200s_msg0008 Something might have happened, to make him wander off like that. We should look for him. No audio available
9 nq210200s_msg0009 Then we'd best hurry - the longer we wait, the more difficult the search is likely to be. No audio available