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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq210500_msg0001 They say Colony Lambda's been raking in the ether lately. No audio available
2 nq210500_msg0002 Yeah, some bloke called Koji's meant to be behind it all. No audio available
3 nq210500_msg0003 He seems to have pressured the commander personally. Which sounds like Koji. No audio available
4 nq210500_msg0004 They've always had some ether, I thought. They mined it, didn't they? No audio available
5 nq210500_msg0005 They're saying that there's huge amounts of it now. It takes some skill to produce such results in that length of time. No audio available
6 nq210500_msg0006 Accomplishing something like that in Colony Lambda? That's no small feat. No audio available
7 nq210500_msg0007 There are so many colonies that never have enough ether, and here's Colony Lambda, sitting on a hoard of it. No audio available
8 nq210500_msg0008 They're saying they have too much, even. No audio available
9 nq210500_msg0009 Can't they share some with other colonies? No audio available
10 nq210500_msg0010 Yeah, what's stopping 'em? How about we ask 'em ourselves? No audio available
11 nq210500_msg0011 I'm curious too. Let's find out. No audio available