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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq210701_msg0001 There you are, Moraine. No audio available
2 nq210701_msg0002 Oh, it's you... Is everything OK? No audio available
3 nq210701_msg0003 We heard about Shijima, and we were just wondering how you were doing. No audio available
4 nq210701_msg0004 Oh, you heard about that... Yeah, Shijima passed away. No audio available
5 nq210701_msg0005 ... No audio available
6 nq210701_msg0006 But you don't have to worry about me. It was hard, but I'm doing fine now. No audio available
7 nq210701_msg0007 Wow, you're so strong, Moraine. No audio available
8 nq210701_msg0008 I think I understood everything he wanted to pass on, and I'll do my best to keep his legacy alive. No audio available
9 nq210701_msg0009 After we came back with you, we had a long chat, just the two of us. Talked out a lot of stuff. He looked really...content. No audio available
10 nq210701_msg0010 So, thanks for everything you did. No audio available
11 nq210701_msg0011 No, we hardly did anything. No audio available
12 nq210701_msg0012 If he died peacefully, then that was all your doing, Moraine. No audio available
13 nq210701_msg0013 But it did make me worry about Colony Lambda a bit. No audio available
14 nq210701_msg0014 Worry? How's that? No audio available
15 nq210701_msg0015 We're a well-regulated colony, but it takes time and effort to put in requests and get permission for anything you want to do. No audio available
16 nq210701_msg0016 He seemed to be uneasy about how much that slows everything down. No audio available
17 nq210701_msg0017 ...I understand, yes. Those rules have managed to keep the colony running well enough, but... No audio available
18 nq210701_msg0018 The colony's combination of talented individuals and strong leadership is what led it to the top of the rankings. No audio available
19 nq210701_msg0019 Listen, I get that everything takes an age to get done, but listen- No audio available
20 nq210701_msg0020 Got a second, Moraine? No audio available
21 nq210701_msg0021 Well, well. If you're paying me a visit, this must be important. No audio available
22 nq210701_msg0022 Just because we're in the same cohort doesn't mean we have to be best friends. No audio available
23 nq210701_msg0023 Sure. So? What's going on? No audio available
24 nq210701_msg0024 Agnus forces are approaching Colony Lambda. No audio available
25 nq210701_msg0025 We don't have concrete numbers, but the sensors haven't registered anything so they're probably coming by air. No audio available
26 nq210701_msg0026 We've sent a recon team headed by Captain Rosh, so we're hoping to intercept them soon. No audio available
27 nq210701_msg0027 That's...not great... No audio available
28 nq210701_msg0028 Not at all. Quite a bit worse, in fact, given that half the colony's still being rebuilt. No audio available
29 nq210701_msg0029 We're mobilizing everyone. You too, Moraine. No audio available
30 nq210701_msg0030 I'll be there. No audio available
31 nq210701_msg0031 In that case, we'll come too. No audio available
32 nq210701_msg0032 That would be appreciated. I have more squads to talk to, so go to the captain and he'll send you where you're needed. No audio available