
No description

Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq230305_msg0001 That was a fine hunt, Captain Easel, very well done! I think that might be a new record! No audio available
2 nq230305_msg0002 No. This isn't anything like what I want. No audio available
3 nq230305_msg0003 I've a long way to go before I can hunt the prey I wish to hunt with all my heart. No audio available
4 nq230305_msg0004 Does that mean we can end the hunt now? No audio available
5 nq230305_msg0005 We're not done yet. Take the prey back to Colony 11. No audio available
6 nq230305_msg0006 You want us to... Wait, you ain't serious? No audio available
7 nq230305_msg0007 Hey now, don't dilly-dally! It won't stay fresh for long! No audio available
8 nq230305_msg0008 Awww, do we have to?! No audio available