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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq230602_msg0001 I heard that I've been invited to join Colony 11's mock battle. No audio available
2 nq230602_msg0002 By all means, we'd love to have you. No audio available
3 nq230602_msg0003 Just so I understand, what is your intention in inviting me? No audio available
4 nq230602_msg0004 In my estimation, you're far better than the other dreck you people call commanders. No audio available
5 nq230602_msg0005 I see. But you give me too much credit. I'm just a lowly footsoldier, strictly middle-of-the-road. No audio available
6 nq230602_msg0006 Be humble all you want... But I'm saying you're good. No audio available
7 nq230602_msg0007 ...I feel as though you aren't going to take no for an answer. No audio available
8 nq230602_msg0008 Feel however you want. As long as you participate it's all the same to me. No audio available
9 nq230602_msg0011 Is it cold here, or is it just me? No audio available
10 nq230602_msg0012 Very well. If you are going to insist this much, then I cannot refuse. No audio available
11 nq230602_msg0013 Ah, good! Things will be even more fun than before, and that's what I was after. No audio available
12 nq230602_msg0014 All right, talk to me when you're ready. I'll be keeping a close eye on the proceedings! No audio available
13 nq230602_msg0015 I'll be glad of your help, everyone. If you decide to accept, I will devote every fiber of my being to this. No audio available
14 nq230602_msg0016 We'll be counting on you. No audio available
15 nq230602_msg0017 I guess if Teach is up for it then it can't be too bad... No audio available
16 nq230602_msg0101 We're about to start the "Plan To Find Who's The Best In Colony 11". No audio available
17 nq230602_msg0102 Tell Gamma's commander that we're looking forward to him taking part! No audio available