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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq240102_msg0001 Oh, look who's not back yet! No audio available
2 nq240102_msg0002 Haha, we won! Suck on that! No audio available
3 nq240102_msg0003 Now where are those spare ether cylinders... No audio available
4 nq240102_msg0004 And what time do you call this? No audio available
5 nq240102_msg0005 No! How can you be back already?! No audio available
6 nq240102_msg0006 Because we're finished! No audio available
7 nq240102_msg0007 Ugh! We would have won if we hadn't run out of supplies! No audio available
8 nq240102_msg0008 I refuse to accept this! I demand a rematch! No audio available
9 nq240102_msg0009 Leave it. We have to accept that we messed up. We didn't prepare properly. No audio available
10 nq240102_msg0010 ...Huh. Didn't expect you to be so gracious about it. No audio available
11 nq240102_msg0011 It's not so surprising, is it? Castle soldiers are trained not to make the same mistake twice. No audio available
12 nq240102_msg0012 Exactly! And we want to be like the Captain of the Guard! No audio available
13 nq240102_msg0013 We can't let a failure like this get us down! No audio available
14 nq240102_msg0014 There's a degree of shame, yes, but it was a good lesson. So thanks for that. No audio available
15 nq240102_msg0015 When are you going to be back? We've got a score to settle now! No audio available
16 nq240102_msg0016 You know what... Maybe you lot are all right. No audio available
17 nq240102_msg0017 Haha! We'll have to stay at the top of our game, won't we, Lanz? No audio available
18 nq240102_msg0018 They learn by trial and error. We could do worse than emulate them. No audio available
19 nq240102_msg0019 Your ridiculous idea turned out to be pretty useful to your little protégés in the end. No audio available
20 nq240102_msg0020 Protégés?! No audio available
21 nq240102_msg0021 I never thought of anyone as my protégé before, not even in Colony 9. No audio available
22 nq240102_msg0022 I don't think I'm much cut out to be a mentor, but eh, why not! It's something to do! No audio available
23 nq240102_msg0023 Hey, you lot! No audio available
24 nq240102_msg0024 What now? No audio available
25 nq240102_msg0025 Let's do this again sometime! No audio available
26 nq240102_msg0026 ...Ha, yeah, we'll look forward to it. No audio available
27 nq240102_msg0027 But next time, you're the ones going down! No audio available
28 nq240102_msg0028 You can't escape from us! No audio available
29 nq240102_msg0029 This is gonna be fun. No audio available