
No description

Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq310202_msg0001 I can't see a mark on it... I don't think this is the box we're looking for. No audio available
2 nq310202_msg0002 Ugh, nothing marked on this one. Where's the real box?! No audio available
3 nq310202_msg0003 Can't see an X on it. Not our treasure box, I guess... No audio available
4 nq310202_msg0004 There's no X marked on it. This doesn't seem to be the right one. No audio available
5 nq310202_msg0005 Boo, no X on this one at all! The real box has to be somewhere though... No audio available
6 nq310202_msg0006 No... I can't have made a mistake... And yet...! No audio available