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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq310900_msg0001 I guess Romero and Joulietta probably haven't been able to get married yet... No audio available
2 nq310900_msg0002 Yeah, if they had, Romero would've given us a whole speech about it. No audio available
3 nq310900_msg0003 I can see it now! No audio available
4 nq310900_msg0004 There a reason you brought those two up? No audio available
5 nq310900_msg0005 I heard Joulietta's been seen all over the City lately, that's all. No audio available
6 nq310900_msg0006 I think she might be trying to get their wedding approved somehow. No audio available
7 nq310900_msg0007 Ah, so she's the one jumping through hoops this time? No audio available
8 nq310900_msg0008 Romero was so fired up about it too. Is it really so hard to get married? No audio available
9 nq310900_msg0009 It seems like the problem concerns more than just the two of them, so it must be... No audio available
10 nq310900_msg0010 If you're worried about them, we could always ask around and see how they're doing? No audio available
11 nq310900_msg0011 I'd feel a bit bad if Romero did himself a mischief while we weren't watching. No audio available
12 nq310900_msg0012 There's probably something we can do to help, anyway, Mimi! No audio available
13 nq310900_msg0013 You're right! No audio available
14 nq310900_msg0014 Let's see if anyone knows what's going on with Romero and Joulietta, then. No audio available