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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq310903_msg0001 So that's our strategy. Stand by till we deploy. No audio available
2 nq310903_msg0002 Understood! No audio available
3 nq310903_msg0003 You! Stay focused. The battle's already started. Remember that. No audio available
4 nq310903_msg0004 Y-yes ma'am! No audio available
5 nq310903_msg0005 Yep, voice like a Skwaror... No audio available
6 nq310903_msg0006 Psst! Joulietta! No audio available
7 nq310903_msg0007 Oh, it's you again...! No audio available
8 nq310903_msg0008 When did you sign up with the Lost Numbers? No audio available
9 nq310903_msg0009 The very day that followed when we met. When poor Romero came to seek my hand. No audio available
10 nq310903_msg0010 In fact, since I was but a tiny girl, I've wanted to be like our Monica. No audio available
11 nq310903_msg0011 But woe, my father wouldn't let me join. He said the soldier's life was not for me... No audio available
12 nq310903_msg0012 But now I'm older, and it's past the time when I should act upon my own desires. No audio available
13 nq310903_msg0013 Do Garrett and Romero know...? No audio available
14 nq310903_msg0014 Why, no! So keep it deathly secret, if you please! No audio available
15 nq310903_msg0015 I'm thinking when this coming fight is done, I'll tell them everything that's on my mind. No audio available
16 nq310903_msg0016 Keep this up and your first battle will be nothing to worry about. No audio available
17 nq310903_msg0017 Yes, ma'am! No audio available
18 nq310903_msg0018 You showed a lot of promise even when I was teaching you. I'm expecting great things. No audio available
19 nq310903_msg0019 Huh, are you here to help as well? No audio available
20 nq310903_msg0020 We're after something pretty huge, so you'd be a big help! No audio available
21 nq310903_msg0021 What are you going for? No audio available
22 nq310903_msg0022 We're going to obtain "growth modules". No audio available
23 nq310903_msg0023 She's an excellent soldier but Joulietta doesn't have combat experience yet. No audio available
24 nq310903_msg0024 I think it'd be good for her if you came along. No audio available
25 nq310903_msg0025 This is, without a doubt, going to end in combat. No audio available
26 nq310903_msg0026 Romero's not gonna make it in time, is he? No audio available
27 nq310903_msg0027 We should go in his place, then, to make sure Joulietta doesn't do anything reckless. No audio available
28 nq310903_msg0028 Kabata, we're in. No audio available
29 nq310903_msg0029 I knew you would be! No audio available
30 nq310903_msg0030 OK, so the plan's simple. We attack the Kevesi transport Levnis that's carrying the cage. No audio available
31 nq310903_msg0031 We'll stage the attack at the base of the Great Sword, in the N'ohm Wetlands. No audio available
32 nq310903_msg0032 Now, you can join either the vanguard or the rearguard. Which'll it be? No audio available
33 nq310903_msg0100 Do you prefer the van or the rear? No audio available
34 nq310903_msg0101 Vanguard. No audio available
35 nq310903_msg0102 Rearguard. No audio available
36 nq310903_msg0201 We'll take the vanguard. No audio available
37 nq310903_msg0202 We'll be able to pull off a pincer maneuver with Joulietta. No audio available
38 nq310903_msg0301 We'll take the rearguard. No audio available
39 nq310903_msg0302 It'll be better to attack from behind with Joulietta. No audio available
40 nq310903_msg0401 OK, let's get moving! No audio available
41 nq310903_msg0402 I've just sent you the rendezvous point. No audio available
42 nq310903_msg0403 We'll head out to the attack point. You come along as soon as you're ready, yeah? No audio available
43 nq310903_msg0404 Got it. No audio available
44 nq310903_msg0405 Well, we've fallen on our feet here. Better we do this than Romero, anyway... No audio available
45 nq310903_msg0406 You might be right... No audio available
46 nq310903_msg0407 OK, let's keep Joulietta safe and get this done. No audio available