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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq311303_msg0001 Huh...? You're asking around about the Homecoming rite, you say? No audio available
2 nq311303_msg0002 Yeah, we thought we'd like to know the differences between your ceremony and ours, and stuff like that... No audio available
3 nq311303_msg0003 I guess the main point of difference is that we're given somewhere to live in the residential district. No audio available
4 nq311303_msg0004 In the City, once you've crossed the threshold of the Homecoming, you'll be treated as an adult. No audio available
5 nq311303_msg0005 Handing over the key to a new property is like a celebration of that. No audio available
6 nq311303_msg0006 So you go to live somewhere different once you've become an adult? No audio available
7 nq311303_msg0007 If you're going to start a family, it's more or less essential. No audio available
8 nq311303_msg0008 Nobody really wants to live their whole life in a dormitory, you know...? No audio available
9 nq311303_msg0009 In practice, the Homecoming rite can spur people on to settle down with a partner. No audio available
10 nq311303_msg0010 I see... So the Homecoming is a sort of crossroads at which the circumstances of one's environment change. Hmmm... No audio available
11 nq311303_msg0011 Wow, it all sounds like a really big deal, becoming an adult... No audio available
12 nq311303_msg0101 Joulietta has her Homecoming next year. I hope we'll be able to celebrate it just as grandly as this one. No audio available
13 nq311303_msg0102 And after that... I daresay she'll be settling down. No audio available
14 nq311303_msg0103 Can't say I'm thrilled that she's picked Romero for that, mind... No audio available