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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq320400_msg0001 Arrr, time to rest our bones for a moment, don't you think? No audio available
2 nq320400_msg0002 Huh? No audio available
3 nq320400_msg0003 Don't mind if I do. No audio available
4 nq320400_msg0004 Ah, you're here to get in my way again, you big lump? No audio available
5 nq320400_msg0005 C'mon old timer! No need to chide me like that. No audio available
6 nq320400_msg0006 Relax! Of course I don't really mind if the likes of you turn up and make the place a bit livelier! No audio available
7 nq320400_msg0007 Do you know each other? No audio available
8 nq320400_msg0008 As it happens, Jaggar and I are old mateys, aren't we, old timer? No audio available
9 nq320400_msg0009 Yeah, Triton buddied up with this old, outcast reprobate of the City. He calls me "old timer"! No audio available
10 nq320400_msg0010 Haharr! Aye, me an' the old timer here get along like two pearls in a mermaid's purse! No audio available
11 nq320400_msg0011 We're like sails cut from the same cloth, and no mistake! Now an' again, we put three sheets to the wind, like this. Cheers! No audio available
12 nq320400_msg0012 Whoa! You've got friends that I never would have guessed. No audio available
13 nq320400_msg0013 What brings you here, anyway? You're a little young to be drinkin' any of the hard stuff. No audio available
14 nq320400_msg0014 I think they came by to see if we had any war stories to tell 'em, old timer! Or maybe a sea shanty. No audio available
15 nq320400_msg0015 My tales are too boring for a drinking session! No audio available
16 nq320400_msg0016 For example, that Nopon that I've taken in? Does nothing but muck about. No use whatsoever! No audio available
17 nq320400_msg0017 Arrr, cheer up, old timer! At your age, every extra day is a blessing! No audio available
18 nq320400_msg0018 Haha! Sometimes wisdom finds its way out of that big mouth of yours! No audio available
19 nq320400_msg0019 Speaking of good days, that miso that you gave me really hit the spot! No audio available
20 nq320400_msg0020 Huh, so you've been handing out miso to people, is that right, Triton? No audio available
21 nq320400_msg0021 Aye, it makes a great sidekick to a stiff drink, so it does! No audio available
22 nq320400_msg0022 You know, my granddad had a real touch when it came to making miso... I still remember the taste of miso, even now. No audio available
23 nq320400_msg0023 A worthy hobby indeed, for an old timer's granddad! No audio available
24 nq320400_msg0024 One day, my granddad said that he was heading out to search for good produce to go with miso...and never came back. No audio available
25 nq320400_msg0025 Where he finally fell, no one knows. No audio available
26 nq320400_msg0026 Did you ever get out of the City yourself, Jaggar? No audio available
27 nq320400_msg0027 Looking at my bony ol' meat sack today, it's hard to imagine, but I used to be pretty brawny back in the day. No audio available
28 nq320400_msg0028 There was a certain crazy woman who took my fancy back then... And I fell in with an old guy who loved spas... No audio available
29 nq320400_msg0029 Those two were pretty friendly with each other - so friendly in fact, that they almost got married. No audio available
30 nq320400_msg0030 Hang on... What are we talking about here precisely? No audio available
31 nq320400_msg0031 ...But, in the end, that marriage never came to be. Huh, what am I talking about, you say? No audio available
32 nq320400_msg0032 I think ye've been blown off course a bit there, me old matey. You started off talking about side dishes for a drinking party! No audio available
33 nq320400_msg0033 Nah, that's not what he meant! No audio available
34 nq320400_msg0034 Side dishes, eh...? Oh yes! I was talking about remembering eating that miso way back, wasn't I? No audio available
35 nq320400_msg0035 There was a certain fruit that my granddad used to procure from somewhere or other... It was delicious. No audio available
36 nq320400_msg0036 Arrr, this is some interesting stuff you're letting us in on, old timer! No audio available
37 nq320400_msg0037 Oh, the flavor was something special, something rare... It was legendary fruit! No audio available
38 nq320400_msg0038 I was only a kid when I had it... Oh, I cannot describe it! It was like a universe of taste opening up in your mouth! No audio available
39 nq320400_msg0039 Ah, I'd love to taste it once more, before I take my dirt nap... No audio available
40 nq320400_msg0059 I'm sorry, I'll stop with these old geezer stories, and just drink. No audio available
41 nq320400_msg0040 Wait, old timer! No audio available
42 nq320400_msg0041 Huh? No audio available
43 nq320400_msg0042 If it means so much to ye, then we'll go out and find ye some! No audio available
44 nq320400_msg0043 Wh-what? No audio available
45 nq320400_msg0044 Aye, we're all just itching to hear about the legend of this fruit here! Aren't we? No audio available
46 nq320400_msg0045 I won't disagree with our seafaring friend. No audio available
47 nq320400_msg0046 Maybe it's not typical drinking-story fare, but tell us the legend of the tasty fruit, will you, old timer? No audio available
48 nq320400_msg0047 Looks like you young 'uns have really gotten a taste for this old timer's story here! Haha! No audio available
49 nq320400_msg0048 Aye, tell ye the truth, we're all suckers for that kind o' thing. You just wait, old timer. We'll bring it back for you! No audio available
50 nq320400_msg0049 I can wait as long as it takes! If I've got a bite of that fruit coming my way, I can wait till the end of time! No audio available
51 nq320400_msg0050 All right, ye land-lubbers! let's raise anchor and set sail! No audio available
52 nq320400_msg0051 It's all very well saying "let's go", but are we really going to find it if we don't have the first clue where to look? No audio available
53 nq320400_msg0052 Manana, have you got any idea? No audio available
54 nq320400_msg0053 Remember fruit of Bright Fig, found in Maktha Wildwood? No audio available
55 nq320400_msg0054 Ah, that... No audio available
56 nq320400_msg0055 But...we don't know if it's edible yet, right? No audio available
57 nq320400_msg0056 Well, I guess we could go there and take a look. It's a good place to start. No audio available
58 nq320400_msg0057 Sounds like we've charted a course! Let's raise anchor and claim our fruity booty! No audio available
59 nq320400_msg0058 What...? You lot aren't drinking! No audio available