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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq990401_msg0001 So like, Nico - that's me - noticed something at the recent fishy party. No audio available
2 nq990401_msg0002 Raw food doesn't last for long! No audio available
3 nq990401_msg0003 It all has to be eaten on the spot, and that's even if there're whole netloads of them to munch your way through! No audio available
4 nq990401_msg0004 You're right... We really have to find some other foodstuffs. No audio available
5 nq990401_msg0005 Have you thought about stockpiling a bunch of preserved foods? I could tell you some simple things to make, if you want. No audio available
6 nq990401_msg0006 You'd do that for us?! No audio available
7 nq990401_msg0007 Sun-drying and preserving with salt...? Well, we could probably do those. No audio available
8 nq990401_msg0008 Nico - in other words, I - can start making the salt right away, which then leaves the ingredients... No audio available
9 nq990401_msg0009 Hmm. Now that I'm here, I may as well help with procuring the ingredients. No audio available
10 nq990401_msg0010 Yaaay! You're an absolute lifesaver. No audio available
11 nq990401_msg0011 Just make sure you bring anything tasty-looking back to my place, OK? No audio available
12 nq990401_msg0101 All's well and good on the salt-making front! How about the ingredient-procuring front? No audio available
13 nq990401_msg0201 You've been such a massive help. Thank you so much! No audio available
14 nq990401_msg0202 Preserved foods go off easily when there's moisture around. Make sure that moisture doesn't get inside the stores. No audio available
15 nq990401_msg0203 Nico hears you, loud and clear! No audio available
16 nq990401_msg0204 We've still got ingredients to cut up and dry, don't we? Do you mind me helping out a little more? No audio available
17 nq990401_msg0205 No need! You've got to look after the others, after all, Fifi. No audio available
18 nq990401_msg0206 And besides, if there's anyone can help me out with this all this food-smoking stuff, it'd be Hildie. I'll go ask her to help. No audio available
19 nq990401_msg0207 OK. I'll let you handle the rest, then! No audio available
20 nq990401_msg0208 You can count on Nico! I'll go ahead and report this to Tallooloo! ...You remember who Nico is, right? No audio available
21 nq990401_msg0301 You're amazing, Taion. It's incredible how you made that so easy to understand. No audio available
22 nq990401_msg0302 Nico - I - was worried the explanation would go right over my head, but you actually made it kind of fun, I'm not gonna lie! No audio available