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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq990701_msg0001 Oh, just who I wanted to see! No audio available
2 nq990701_msg0002 So, like, I found this thing that was just lying around on the beach. Any idea what it is? No audio available
3 nq990701_msg0003 I mean, it's a doll, ain't it? Kinda looks like the ones Joran used to make. No audio available
4 nq990701_msg0004 A "doll"? No audio available
5 nq990701_msg0005 Uh, they're like...things that you make to look like things that you like...? If you like that kinda thing. No audio available
6 nq990701_msg0006 Really now...? Then that means this was probably something really special to someone... No audio available
7 nq990701_msg0007 ...Which also means it'll stand out to its owner if this doll goes back to them missing a shoe. No audio available
8 nq990701_msg0008 You picked it up on the beach, right? That missing shoe musta washed up somewhere along there, I'd bet. No audio available
9 nq990701_msg0009 Shall we go look for it, then? No audio available
10 nq990701_msg0010 You'd do that for me?! Thank you! No audio available
11 nq990701_msg0011 Well, then, I'll clean this little fella up while I wait for you guys. No audio available
12 nq990701_msg0101 Even dolls would prefer having a full pair of shoes on them, I bet. No audio available
13 nq990701_msg0102 I'd be so happy if you could find the right shoe for this guy! No audio available
14 nq990701_msg0201 You found it?! Yeeeah! Thank you so, so much! No audio available
15 nq990701_msg0202 Now this little guy looks just like he should. I was hoping we could return it to its owner... No audio available
16 nq990701_msg0203 ...Except, I realized I don't even know if its owner is still alive... Guess I'll just have to take care of the doll in their place, then. No audio available
17 nq990701_msg0204 Oh yeah! I already went ahead and reported it to Tallow! I'm really piling on the pressure on the scoreboard now! No audio available