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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 nq991501_msg0001 You there! Are you the unit the Captain of the Guard dispatched? No audio available
2 nq991501_msg0002 If you're asking that, then you must be- No audio available
3 nq991501_msg0003 I admire your resolution to fight us all on your own, though to be honest, I'd thought a sergeant would know far, far better. No audio available
4 nq991501_msg0004 W-wait a minute! I don't intend to fight! No audio available
5 nq991501_msg0005 Please. You deliberately called us over. Do you think we're stupid enough to believe you're not fighting us after doing that? No audio available
6 nq991501_msg0006 ...We can't fight on any more, I'm telling you. We're all so exhausted, we can barely move. No audio available
7 nq991501_msg0007 I knew we should never have done this... Taking over a Castle with no supplies was asking for trouble right from the start. No audio available
8 nq991501_msg0008 So, you're saying you surrender? No audio available
9 nq991501_msg0009 Yeah... But before that, could you give me and my soldiers some food to eat? No audio available
10 nq991501_msg0010 I know just how pathetic I look begging you like this, but I'd be nothing without my soldiers. No audio available
11 nq991501_msg0011 If you knew how bad of an idea this was ahead of time, you shouldn't have tried taking over the Castle in the first place. No audio available
12 nq991501_msg0012 ... No audio available
13 nq991501_msg0013 But first, the food. We haven't got enough to let you eat it all, so someone will need to get some more. No audio available
14 nq991501_msg0014 Sounds like a job for me! I happen to know someone who can give me exactly what I need to help these guys out. No audio available
15 nq991501_msg0015 ...You sure you ain't going to poison them with something dodgy? No audio available
16 nq991501_msg0016 I am a chef, remember? Just you wait and see! No audio available
17 nq991501_msg0017 I'll need to head back to the fort canteen first. With their kitchen, I can cook up just what these guys need. No audio available