
No description

Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 tlk113104_msg0001 So Her Majesty the Queen wasn't the real deal... Who'd have thought it? So what is it that we've all been fighting for exactly? No audio available
2 tlk113104_msg0002 I get that your hope's all worn out, love. But you've gotta give a thought to what the future has in store for you. No audio available
3 tlk113104_msg0003 It's fine, I'm not totally down in the dumps or anything. Wallowing in negativity... That's not my thing. No audio available
4 tlk113104_msg0004 Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, OK? It's about time we put a stop to these Moebius mudders! No audio available