
No description

Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 tlk710403_msg0001 I've always hated the eclipses... Someone's friend or family would always be slaughtered, all just to make us feel cowed and small... No audio available
2 tlk710403_msg0002 But this year, you saved everyone from that fate. I don't mean only the prisoners. No audio available
3 tlk710403_msg0003 You saved me too, from stewing in my own juices about how powerless and defeated I was. No audio available
4 tlk710403_msg0004 The future can change... and we can change it! No audio available
5 tlk710403_msg0005 I want to do something to help, too. Whatever I can do, for the future's sake. No audio available