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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 tq001912_msg0001 People say offense is the best defense, right...? No audio available
2 tq001912_msg0002 First time I've seen anyone try to make a rock-solid defense the basis of their whole fighting strategy... No audio available
3 tq001912_msg0003 Reading our movements and keeping us in check, while supporting her allies all the while... No audio available
4 tq001912_msg0004 Chelle was very multi-talented, wasn't she? It was a hard fight for sure. She made us pay dearly for our mistakes... No audio available
5 tq001912_msg0005 And she came at us with the worst timing. I don't wanna fight a Healer like that again, ever. No audio available
6 tq001912_msg0006 Loath as I am to admit it, the gap between our level of experience and hers was a chasm. No audio available
7 tq001912_msg0007 Even when we first faced off, her control of the engagement was masterful... No audio available
8 tq001912_msg0008 Absolutely. We managed to turn the tables somehow, but it was close... No audio available
9 tq001912_msg0009 If we didn't have our Ouroboros powers, it would have been no contest. No audio available
10 tq001912_msg0010 It would've been great if they were on our side... No audio available
11 tq001912_msg0011 Allies with Colony Iota, huh...? No audio available
12 tq001912_msg0012 No use getting down about it now. We managed to weaken them at least. No audio available
13 tq001912_msg0013 Let's just be happy with that. No audio available
14 tq001912_msg0101 Sooo, I talked to our Chelle a bit earlier... No audio available
15 tq001912_msg0102 Turns out she's a real solid gal! Totally down-to-earth, clever, all that good stuff. No audio available
16 tq001912_msg0103 ...Eunie's just on cloud nine 'cause Chelle called her "talented". No audio available
17 tq001912_msg0104 Excuse me, good buddy? You jealous? No audio available
18 tq001912_msg0105 All right, all right, I'm just sayin'. No audio available
19 tq001912_msg0106 Chelle is supposedly the most social among the Colony Iota commando leaders. No audio available
20 tq001912_msg0107 She's got a collected personality, sees things in their proper context... I expect she could get along with anyone. No audio available
21 tq001912_msg0108 Her flawless support from the rear may also be based in those same characteristics. No audio available
22 tq001912_msg0109 Ah yeah, I did get the feeling she looked at things from a bunch of angles. No audio available
23 tq001912_msg0110 Sounds like a forced compliment if you ask me. No audio available
24 tq001912_msg0111 Well, nobody actually did ask you, muppet. You should talk to her yourself. You'll see what we mean. No audio available
25 tq001912_msg0112 A sociable Healer, hm...? No audio available
26 tq001912_msg0113 She really might be someone we wouldn't want on our bad side... No audio available