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Language: Japanese | English

Position Internal ID (or hash) Transcription Audio
1 C201B3AA ...Right, that seems to have done it. Will this do? No audio available
2 D1C8E704 It perfect! Ten out of five stars, no notes! No audio available
3 ACA30B14 Time to deposit High Ether without further delay! No audio available
4 AA937040 Huh? Ah, please, go ahead. No audio available
5 953166DB Aaaaaahhhh-... No audio available
6 EF23A8BE What the-?! No audio available
7 F27DA48D Mwahhhhh... That hit all the right spots... No audio available
8 67958DED Did...did she just... *drink* the cylinder...? No audio available
9 FF345457 Please tell me I hallucinated that... No audio available
10 86ECC748 Ino, what did you just do...? No audio available
11 BBEFA97E ...Oh! Meh! Did Ino forget to explain? Ino feeling mortified! No audio available
12 0DA17D78 High Ether energy source for powering functions of Ino! No audio available
13 11C47F82 So, uh, is that good? No audio available
14 F195FCCE Easier to show than explain, so please allow Ino to demonstrate! No audio available